Senior Downsizing: Making The Most Of A Smaller Space

If you're planning to downsize your living space, it can be tempting to just throw everything out. But that's not the best way to go about it! There are many ways to use the space you have more efficiently, and some of them might surprise you. With a little bit of creativity and organization, even a small home can feel like a big one.

Create a list of all your belongings

The first step toward downsizing help for seniors is to make a list of everything you own. This includes clothing, personal items, furniture and appliances--even the stuff in your garage or attic! You may be surprised by how much stuff you really have. You should also include anything that's stored in the basement.

The next step is deciding which items are no longer useful or valuable enough to keep around. If an item hasn't been used in six months or more, consider getting rid of it (or donating it). After all these steps are complete, take another look at what's left over: if there are still too many possessions cluttering up your home space then perhaps now would be an appropriate time for another round of purging!

Assess what you need and don't need

  • Assess what you need and don't need.
  • What is the difference between need and want? Can you get by with a secondhand sofa instead of buying a new one? Do you really need to replace all three kitchen knives, or can one do the job just as well? When it comes to downsizing, it's best to take an honest look at how much space your belongings take up--and then decide whether they're worth keeping around.
  • How should I decide what stays and what goes? There are many factors that come into play when making this decision: age of items; sentimental value; quality of craftsmanship (if applicable); current trends in design/fashion/home decorating; etcetera!

Remember that downsizing is a process, not a single event

Once you've decided to downsize, it's important to remember that the process is a long-term one. You won't be able to do everything at once--in fact, trying too hard can make things even more stressful than they already are! 

Instead of trying to take on too much at once and getting overwhelmed by all of the changes that have been forced upon you by your new living situation, try breaking down your senior downsizing into smaller chunks so that each step in the process feels manageable and achievable.

Start by getting rid of items that are just taking up space in your home. If you haven't used something in the last year, chances are good that you won't ever use it again. If you have a lot of these items sitting around collecting dust, take them to a local charity where they will be put to good use by someone else who needs them more than you do!


Downsizing can be a stressful process, but it doesn't have to be. By following these tips and being honest with yourself about what you need in life, you'll find that downsizing is easier than ever before.

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